Web Manager’s Corner Project Showcase

These few selected sites were designed and are managed by CompuScribe. Most of the sites are responsive designs, meaning that the design is fluid and adjusts to display correctly on any size screen, on any device.

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In recent months I have been happily applying my skills under someone else’s banner, LEXICOM.

lexi-logo2Just like in my own business, I develop new websites, consult, update, maintain, help out and just generally use my skills for all sorts of interesting projects and clients. Don’t forget, often much more functionality is built into a site than the front end you see. Here are two examples: Goodman Institute for Public Policy Research (A Virtual Think Tank) and Barlon Engineering Group Ltd. (A fast mobile site).

Don’t lose sight of branding

As important as a website is, it is only one part of a company’s marketing assets.

I either incorporate the design of a site to fit into an existing company brand, or, in consultation with the client, I develop an overall concept that can form the graphics part of the company brand.

What exactly is branding anyway? For the purpose of these pages this is the definition I use: The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products. Read more about this subject.

Behind the scenes

CompuScribe collaborates with Marketing (or other) Companies who wish to use my expertise. I don’t mind stepping out of the lime light to become a part of a bigger picture. I’ll be glad to discuss terms and availability to consult on or sub-contract for your larger projects. Let’s connect.


Please ask me for references. I’ll be glad to put you in touch with any of my clients who used services that match those you are evaluating for yourself. Not all of my clients are displayed in my portfolio page.