There is so much information available online it’s difficult to know how to add to it in a meaningful way. I am writing for the older generation. People who didn’t grow up with a computer in the home and often benefit from simple information that can help them get a little more comfortable with their electronic devices. My clients and friends use their computers for the most amazing things, but their understanding about protecting
themselves and their data, or how the Internet works, or how to use features of their computer they didn’t know were there, is often very limited. For instance
some simple little things, such as clicking the right mouse button, i.e.
right-click, to see instantly how any element on a computer screen functions, can make life a lot easier. As a result of many years of observing my people in front of their computer and answering their questions, I’ll continue writing about the small stuff that so often gets lost in the big picture. Oh, and there also will be the occasional rant.
I organized early Geeky Bits articles into the new website and call the category Oldies & Goodies. As time marches on, some methods of trouble-shooting with newer operating systems, like Windows 8.x, may have changed, even improved, but most of what I’ve left available to read is still valid. Take from it what you can use.
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